Sarava is a limited-edition organic extra-virgin oil
There are only 1200 olive trees on the estate: this is the main reason why the Sarava olive oil is a limited edition product.
Sarava does not use any pesticides or fertilizers. All the olives, vegetables, and fruits grow naturally on the estate.
The harvest in Tuscany is done every year in October and lasts for 3 weeks.
The entire harvesting is done by hand, utilizing simple tools that include rakes and nets.
The process has remained unchanged for centuries.
The harvest is done by Eleonore, Fabien and some of their friends in a manner that is gentle on the trees.
Every year, the objective is not to produce more oil but to always optimize the quality.
Buying a bottle of Savava olive oil ensures that you will enjoy one of the most fresh and delicious Italian olive oil that you will ever find.
The taste is fruity and the colour is a naturally bright green.
Once opened, please keep the bottles away from sunlight and make sure that the
bottle is properly closed to avoid oxidation.
You can enjoy Sarava olive oli on pasta, with raw or cooked vegetables, fish and
meat, or just with bread. We will have many more original recipes soon on Sarava’s website.