Infused Olive Oil Recipes
- Small Strainer orCheese Cloth
- Small Saucepan
- Measuring Cup
- Nesting Mixing Bowls
- Bottles
- Small Funnel
- Candy Thermometer
Step 1: Choose tour flavor (Herb Infused, Lemon Thyme, Chili Infused)
Step 2: Acidify
If the flavor you choose does not need to be acidified skip to step 3. To soak the garlic or herbs in the acidic solution you will need 1 medium-sized bowl and 1 small-sized bowl (nesting bowls will work best).
- Add the ingredients to the bowl. Place either the garlic or the herbs in the bottom of the medium bowl (the garlic needs a different amount of solution so it cannot be combined with the herbs).
- Prepare the citric acid solution. Mix the appropriate amount of citric acid with the coordinating amount of water and pour over the herbs or garlic.
- Nest the smaller bowl on top of the herbs and or garlic so they are fully submerged in the solution. You can pour some water into the smaller bowl to weigh it down.
- Allow the garlic or herbs to soak at room temperature for 24 hours, which allows the acid to fully penetrate the ingredients and bring the acidity beyond the growth limit for bacteria.
Step 3: Infuse
- Clip a candy thermometer to the size of a medium-sized saucepan and heat the oil to 140º F.
- Add the flavorings. Remove the herbs or garlic from the acidic solution and pat dry. Place in the oil. If the flavor doesn’t require acidifying then just add the ingredients to the oil.
- Heat for a maximum of 5 minutes to infuse the most amount of flavor. Anytime over 5 minutes may damage the oil.
Step 4: Store
- Add any decorative ingredients such as lemon peel or sprigs of fresh herbs (as long as they have been acidified) to the desired bottle.
- Strain the oil through a cheesecloth or a small strainer into a measuring cup.
- Arrange the small funnel on top of the bottle and pour the infused olive oil into the bottle and seal with the top or cork.
- Place the oil away from heat and light and keep it in the fridge for longer shelf life.